I haven't sat down at my machine in who knows how long now. I find myself getting antsy for spring. I love when the world opens up again to the color and beauty that God gave us. I find myself wanting to match with all the beautiful colors. Pinks, yellows especially, bright spring greens, and florals aways grab my attention this time of year. I find myself planning a huge forray into the fabric. But as I have a stash of fabric already that hasn't been used. I must control myself. Not to mention that I haven't finished anything in awhile. I may have to start bringing something in to work to sew while I am here and not busy or at lunch.(HA,HA,HA) I'm looking at some evadress.com patterns. If you haven't looked at her website and you like vintage style you reeally should! She is doing a wonderful job refitting patterns for us. And making a few herself. check out the star dress that she made from an art book.
http://www.evadress.com/. I keep saying I'll be posting pictures and I recently got the flickr app for my phone, I am going to try and upload my pictures to there so I can add them easily to my posts. Thank you for being patient with me as I struggle along in the blog-o-sphere world.
I am now on pinterest.com here are my pins.
http://pinterest.com/diniecita/ feel free to follow me I will be posting about some stuff soon.
I did some mending last week and I was really proud of myself. I've been organizing the garage, my sewing room (recent move) and trying to take college classes so I can finish my degree. It's alot sometimes. But, I am thankful to be working, have my school paid for and a time to reflect on the awesomeness of my life.
even though it is hectic!
Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
Matthew 11:28