This quilt was difficult for me. I thought that doing a smaller one would be easier. If anything I think it is harder to do because of all the tiny detail work involved in it. I kept going with it.
I started it in a quilting class, but I didn't get anything done there except the cutting. Which I am apparently a fast cutter...who knew. I never cut with anyone before so I just assumed that I was doing ok at it. (Sometimes I feel really slow too though.)
Anyways, I do not think that I will be doing a lot of these at the moment. I decided since I did it in 'Civil war fabrics' that I could use it as a doll quilt for my Civil War American Girl Doll-Addie. Yes, I have my own American Girl doll, don't judge me. Ok, if you must. I like dolls. (I need a little girl now so I can have an excuse to make more of these things!)
This is me planning the quilt look. It's not sewed at this point, I just laid the fabric over the other to see it better. (This helps me A LOT!)
Then I started sewing the middle pieces together. This was not too bad, but the scale of the quilt was hard on me.
This is how the pattern shrunk from just laying out the pieces to actually sewed together. T-I-N-Y!
Those pieces in the middle are 1"x2" they are 1/2"x1" after they are sewn together.
I made it scrappy so I had some of the inside blocks left over. So, I made a tiny pillow to match it. I have a wooden cradle that my Uncle made me when I was little I figured that I could out the quilt and pillow in there for a doll baby to be played with by future children. It was a fun quilt to make and I feel like I learned a few things making it.

This is Addy. This is her original dress too. Her hair is all messed up, but I got her at the Thrift Store many years ago ($20) These dolls run about $150 so I snatched her up. I think she was still in her box. I have it somewhere...maybe.
Anyways. This came from a book called 'Civil War Legacies 2' If you are interested in making this one it is 'Hard Crackers.' There are many more and if you like small/tiny quilts or want to make a doll quilt for a child as a gift this is a great idea. Most of the children I know are boys or "too old" for dolls. (So, does one get too old for dolls??)
Thanks for looking at my quilting work.
Here is a picture of it sandwiched, before quilting.
Here is the picture of it after quilting. I wanted to keep with the civil war look so I didn't fuss with it or make it look too modern.