As promised, I chronicled my outfits for 13 going on 30/Lucky Dozen and compiled them to share with you. (If you haven't already read the first 13 going on 30 post please see it
here.) Please don't judge me too hard. I'm not a model and I do not have an unlimited bank account. So, I do what I can. I did not wear these in order because some days I just didn't want to wear that outfit. Also, I like to wear weather appropriate outfits. If it's cold I need a sweater or jacket. I did add tights to some of the outfits because I live in Minnesota and it's just a necessary evil sometimes and sometimes it's fun.
And a big
thank you to my DH who took a good many of these photos(except the obvious ones where I am holding a camera.)
I replaced my Keds with some better sneakers for my capsule wardrobe. (I almost made it to the end with them!) I didn't think to keep them when I bought the new shoes I put them on and put the Keds in their donate pile. (whoops!) So, that is why some of the pictures have a different pair of shoes in them than the keds. Not many of them, but still. Looking forward my Spring Project333 post will be coming soon.
Day 1

My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I thought I was looking good until I took this picture. This skirt is looking tired and those shoes need to be washed, maybe replaced. I don't think that this length is the best on me. Not to mention my weird photography. I bought a skirt at Target today and I'm thinking of using that one in place of this one. I haven't decided yet. But, then again I've committed to this and I should make changes afterwards. Meh... Not a great start.
Day 2
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I like this outfit and it's comfy. I even found some dark pink socks to wear when I wear this shirt. I already owed them I just wasn't utilizing them. Are my shoes looking better? I think the washing really helped.
Day 3
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I like this one. It's nice without being too much of the same for me. Although it is still early in my experiment I think it's going well. I love the chambray shirt, it goes with everything.
Day 4
My version Their version

My thoughts on the outfit
I wore this to church today. (see this is my church entryway!) I felt comfortable and dressed up enough too. I moved chairs and tables and sat and talked with the people who came to sing today. We had a lovely pot luck. Plus, I wasn't worried about what I was wearing the whole time. These colors are great for me! I look tanner, happier and just wow! What a difference color can make!
Day 5
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I was about to head out the door and remembered that I should take a picture. I've been sung this clutch to care only the essentials around with me. This hat matches my color palette perfectly.
Day 6
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
DH said I looked cute today! He didn't even know about the challenge. He wondered why I wanted a picture and then said, "Oh, you're going to show your readers how cute you look, right?"* blush* At least someone appreciates me! Anyways, I felt ok in this outfit. It was warm but windy today so I wore the tights in case the wind blew my skirt up again. It happened when I went outside with the dogs, but I live in the country and nobody was around. Also, I washed my Keds. I think they are looking better now. I can't replace them yet.
Day 7
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
This one was OK. I had a lot of patterns going on up top and solids below. A more neutral shirt might have worked better here. I love my plaid shirt and I'm regretting the choice of scarf for this. I haven't decided if I want to keep it or not. Thoughts?
Day 8
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I love this dress! Adding the scarf gave it a different look, but not much different really. Optional Bingley. He's the sweetest puppy (Yes, he is still a puppy until June!) and he wanted to be in the picture too.
Day 9
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
Again with the ugly skirt! UGH. Why did I think this would look good on me? I have to find something better for my body type. Maybe something that stops at the knee or a maxi skirt? Can you tell that I'm thinking about Spring P333 that starts soon?
Day 10
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I was feeling self conscious about this one, but I actually got a compliment on my outfit. Not the best picture, since DH was at work, but I got one! I like the idea of the layers shirts. I'm considering replacing this skirt soon. It's tired and makes me look a little frumpy! Who wants that? Also, needed tights for a chilly morning. I'm seeing the need for a neutral shirt.
Day 11
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I have worn this one before and I like it. I even managed to do the same pose as the model in this one! I had to catch one of my rabbits that got out today and she decided to hang out under the RV where I couldn't reach her. Finally I tempted her out with a piece of apple core that I had. :) All in all I felt good today. Also, since it was such an active day I was pleased with this outfit.
Day 12
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
Ok I know we all know what's coming. But if I have to wear this fugly skirt one more time!! I cant wait to put it in the donate bin! I'm tempted to just toss it out because the zipper is broken and that is so annoying. And who has the body type to pull this off? If i wouldnt have bought it at goodwill in the first place, I would be SO mad about spending money on it. Lesson learned and moving on.
Day 13
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
This denim on denim made me a bit nervous. But I decided to do it anyways. Why not right? I feel like I probably noticed way more than other people did. I think it also helped that there was a girl walking around with green sparkly clovers on a springy headband, green and white striped knee socks, black athletic shorts and one of those tacky "kiss me I'm Irish" shirts around. I don't think anybody noticed my weird attire next to hers. But, who am I to judge? Although I have to say, it was not St. Patrick's day yet.
Day 14
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
Super easy. This is my favorite dress and jacket. So yeah. i loved wearing them together again. YAY! I'm halfway there today. Cut off my feet, but the picture was too good not to include it. You know I'm rocking the Keds!
Day 15
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I took this one myself...I cut off my feet in it. (again!) Poop. Well, I could do any better and I had places to be so-that's it. You can just barely see the strap of my dress shoes in the picture. This wasn't my favorite. It seemed bulky on me. I might try a cardigan with this instead for my capsule wardrobe this spring. Maybe it just needs a belt to make it look better?
Day 16
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
This was fun to wear. It's a little chillier outside today. It's like winter is trying to return and spring has to battle it back! (Yeah, I'm a nerd.) I think my olive coat helps break up the patterns. I like this one ok. I seem to like the keds shoe days better. Maybe I should consider that in my seasonal shopping plans.
Day 17
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I feel like this is too close to the other outfit, but the shirts are just the other way now. I suppose it still counts, but...I feel like we're reaching now.
It is kinda cute, but the stupid grin on my face makes me look dumb. I had to take this one myself again. It's hard to take a full body selfie.
Day 18
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I don't like this outfit for a few reasons. 1. I didn't want to wear heels today. 2. I hate this skirt now, with a passion. 3. I don't think it matches my shirt too well. It sucks and must go! Trust me the shirt didn't look any better tucked in the fugly skirt.
Day 19
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I tried to do the same pose, but I'm backwards. HA HA. Oh, well. Again I have the pink socks. (They are warm for these windy spring days. I'm not sure about this scarf and shirt combo. It's not horrible, but it's not my favorite. Maybe it's because it's too black for me right by my face. I'd like a nice soft blue or multi colored scarf.
Day 20
My version Their version

My thoughts on the outfit
I really love this outfit. You may remember me wearing it last fall. It's cute as can be. Perfect for Church or errands(providing I don't have to wrangle rabbits under an RV again!) This is a keeper in my book. Perfect reason to keep a sleeveless dress. I can wear just it on hot days, a button up shirt over or under it, with a sweater or a cardigan over top to change the look and feel of it. This dress is a staple in my closet! Side note-I'm not wearing tights today, but my legs are just that pale!
Day 21
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I have a confession to make. I'm sure you noticed that I'm wearing new shoes...I bought these and in my haste donated my Keds not thinking about this project. Hence the navy chucks. So I will be wearing those for the remainder of the time. I bought them for my spring capsule wardrobe. Other than that, I really like this outfit. It's fun, casual and girly enough to not make me feel like I'm out of place. Unless, I happen to go to the feed store that day and walk out carrying 2 50lb bags of feed on my shoulders... Apparently it looks weird when you wear a skirt! LOL.
Day 22
My version Their version

My thoughts on the outfit
Since loosing weight these pants are a bit big on me. I will replace them next time since my buying for Spring is over. I like this over all and I look pretty happy. I really like these khakis because they are soft, but now they are just too darn big on me. It's a problem. Maybe I can see if I can find the same brand/style in the size I need now.
Day 23
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
Kissing this skirt goodbye! Strangely, when I'm bend in like this it doesn't look as bad. But, it's still leaving the house! Bad Skirt, Bad!!
Day 24
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I rolled my pants up more. I like this look with the heels actually. I'm suprised by it. I've been going to the gym and you can really see more definition in my legs. (my butt too, but I'm not going to show you that.HA HA!) All in all I like it.
Day 25
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I like the idea of this outfit, but being high waited and large chested it just makes my girls look bigger no? Not something I normally emphasize. This isn't one of my favorites.
Day 26
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
LAST DAY for ugly mint skirt!! YAY! Glad I didn't toss it out the last time I wore it. Ugh, nothing like a (self-inflicted) forced closet to show you what you DON'T need/want in your life. I messed up with my shoes...forgive me. Remember how I told you that I donated them at the store when I bought my new chucks for my spring capsule wardrobe? Well here is a pair of the new shoes. They are so cute and comfy. I love them.
I feel like I just wore this outfit...adding a jacket does not change an outfit in my opinion.
Day 27

My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
Cute, I feel like myself in this outfit. Looking at this picture I look odd (to myself) but oh well. Maybe it's because I was making a weird face?
Day 28
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
I'm just a backwards kind of girl. I like this one, but my pants are starting to get looser on me. These particular pants anyways. The jeans are kind of stretchy so those still look good, better in fact. But, I think I still like this one. I feel like Katherine Hepburn in this slouchy pants. Minus the oxfords. I'm not really crazy about heels, but these are comfy.
Day 29
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
We've been going to the gym. It seems to be tightening up my body. I think this picture looks awesome. I love the outfit too. simple and ready to go. A little bit more warmth with the tee underneath the dress. It's getting close to time to replace these shoes though...
I actually like my version of this better. You can't really tell that she is wearing a shirt under the dress except at the neckline. I think that looks dumb.
Day 30
My version Their version
My thoughts on the outfit
Ok, so it looks like I'm kicking my dog here...I'm not. I would never do that to him. He's a sweet, sweet boy! Ok, that's out of the way. I wasn't super crazy about this denim on denim again. Nobody ever seems to care when I wear it though. This is the last day and I've gotten a lot of use and I've learned a lot through out this exercise. I've found that I don't need as much as I thought I did. I struggle with 33 pieces in my wardrobe, but I can function with 13. The jacket added outfits and saying that it is a new one is a little annoying though. I love the layering pieces though.
You should give this a try with your clothes! You learn about yourself and them in the process. You also might learn that something you fussed with just needs to go! (That mint skirt! Oh, yeah, it's in the trash can now!! and has been there for several days!!)
What I've learned by doing this challenge.
- The value of good basics. Mostly because I saw how much my chambray shirt worked with everything. Made me start thinking about more things that should go together, but didn't. (A lot of people use the 3 item rule. Each item has to match or mix with at least 3 other items to gain a place in your capsule wardrobe.)
- I'm not sure this mint skirt is the right length for me. Thinking about hemming it up or replacing it with something else. Not even mentioning the whole thing, just the length.
- Heels aren't right for my life style. I ended up wearing my Keds more just because I didn't want to wear heels.
- Accessories can make an outfit go to the next level. I wore a lot more of my jewelry and socks (hello pink socks!) in this challenge.
- I also went through it and got rid of a lot of things I wasn't wearing or hanging on to for sentimental reasons. (YAY me!)
- Adding a jacket seems to fool people into thinking that you have more clothes? Do you think this is true? I really don't see it that way, but maybe to some people it does. Or is it that we don't pay attention to other people's clothing as much as our own?
I've been doing my Spring Project 333 since mid-April, but haven't had time to get it up yet. Doing this for part of the time took up quite a bit of time and effort to get pictures arranged. I really do hope that you try this out. It is very insightful.
Building a new wardrobe a few pieces at a time is so much easier than trying to do it all in one go. Plus, this helps you see how things go together. I will be using these ideas in the future and most of this will be my core wardrobe for seasons to come. (except for that STUPID mint skirt, it will be replaced!!)