19 December 2016

Clothing Count Challenge #2

I counted up my clothing (after washing it all) and this is what I have. All of these things are in rotation in my closet or were in storage and have been handled and gone through this year. I know I could do another sweep, but I'm trying to get more intentional about it.

I did not count costume pieces, in progress pieces, planned or anything from the mending pile. One of my goals for 2017 is to get all of those things out of the sewing room and either to my closet or out of the house.
I also didn't include my workout gear. Since I did a capsule specifically for those things. They all fit in one drawer and as long as it stays that way(and it should) I will not need to address it again.

Here are the totals of each item and a bit about them or why I have that number. 

Underwear- 21
I feel like this number is OK. I always have more than I use in a week, but if I don't get to the laundry one week (rarely happens) then I'm still going to have underwear. There are a few lacy ones that I don't really like to wear because they are polyester lace and itchy. I need to get them out of there.

Bras-5 in use 8 waiting. Total 13
I loved the fit of a specific bra I bought and when I found out it wasn't being made anymore I ordered 10 of them. I still have 8 in packaging for when I need them. I hate to even think of the day when I will have to go look for a new favorite bra. :(

A lot of these socks are from when I lived in SC so I have so many pairs of thin summer socks, which I don't really even wear that often up here. Maybe I should just let them go so that drawer isn't so packed.

I use these occasionally and I feel it's a good number. I have one full slip, one skirt only and one camisole.

Both of these are going to wear out this year probably and will find their way to the trash. So, nothing to worry about here.

These all fit nicely in a shoe box that I have in my sock drawer, but I don't wear them often as I have better things to keep me warm and in the summer I'm in the garden most of the time. Again...maybe I should be more ruthless with these.

Thermal tops- 5
Thermal bottoms-3
I have been flirting with the idea of releasing the cotton long johns that don't actually keep me warm in the tundra that I live in. They were great for occasional wet cold rainy days in SC. That would get rid of 2 tops and 1 bottom.

one of these is wearing out and in need of replacement. I would like to loose a bit more weight around my middle, but wishful thinking won't do it.

These are Tees I wear on their own around the farm/gardening and working. I don't worry if they get messed up.

I have to admit that I was really surprised by this one. I thought I had done well with the tops.

These are always worn under a shirt for modesty or warmth.

Pull over Sweaters-14
I LOVE wool things and cashmere so I have invested in a few (too many?) sweaters. I might be willing to let a few go though that don't match the direction my closet is going or are too thin to bother with up here.

Cardigan Sweaters-6
These are great for layering. I think I have a bit of crossover in the pink section of my closet and I could figure out which one to keep.

I do have plans to make a pair of leggings to replace a pair that I wore a hole through in the thigh(nobody knows it's there 'sept me and Jesus...and now you.) and one more pair in addition. Most of these I wasn't sure whether to put them in the thermals bottoms section or here. I wear them pretty much the same. I only have 1 pair of thermals that are only over pants because they have odd seams on the sides.

Yay pants!
You can see that I don't think leggings are pants. I do not wear them alone. For me, it's a modesty and comfort issue.

Not sure why I have so many of these as I don't really wear them that often. Most of them were packed away and are, like the dresses, light gauzy material that is waiting for warmer days.

I LOVE dresses when it's warm and I am still learning how to wear dresses in the cooler weather. A lot of these are sheer-like or silk and are strictly summer-wear. As my needs change I will release them to my closet or out of the house.

Special Occassion Dresses-5
These only get worn occasionally, but they are classic and do get some wear a few times a year.

I am acclimating more and more to the weather here. Right now this is a good number for me. I may require more later, but I will sew some when I need them.

I actually forgot all about this. Its a wool roving vest that I used to wear to the office. Its a bit fancy for anything I would wear now. I may have to let it go or start wearing it again.

I have 2 blanket scarves and I love those. You can wear them in so many ways. I never got that whole infinity scarf thing, but I'm not a huge scarf person. I keep trying to make it happen because I see fashion bloggers talking about how it can "draw your outfit together." I only remember to grab one when it's cold outside and it stays with my coat most of the time-unless it's chilly indoors too.

I seem to wear one in particular over and over and over and...well you get the picture. Yet, I have 7 more? One only goes with one dress. And I can't remember the last time I wore that dress. Maybe I should get it out and spin. I made it to go swing dancing with my husband (then BF) and it's fun, but we have no where to go dancing up here.

I feel like a broken record-SC=hot MN=not hot. My clothes haven't caught up quite yet. I'm closer though. Oh so close. Some of these are from when we got married. *Newlyweds!*

Jewelry- ??
I meant to count these but then I just didn't. I don't wear a lot of jewelry and I don't have a lot. Earlier this year I went thorough my big jewelry box and donated all the things I wasn't wearing because it was all old costume stuff I'd been holding onto since HS or someone had given it to me long ago and blah, blah. None of it was worth anything anyways. Mostly a box of junk I've been carrying around  in each move. I'm sure I have more stuff around here that would qualify for the same treatment, but I haven't reached that layer of it yet. I feel OK with where I am with the jewelry. What I decided to keep is classic pieces that aren't gaudy and I actually will wear from time to time.

I can still remember when I had an old dishwasher box FULL of shoes when I moved after I left college. I think all my shoes could fit in a copy box now. I sold a lot of my designer shoes. I think I have maybe 2 pairs. I've had the one pair repaired so many times I'm not sure that it even looks the same anymore and definitely is not worth anything to anyone but me now. I could stand a little more running here too.

Strangely enough I could probably get rid of a few of these, but I won't/don't want to do that.

Seems like they hide from me when I'm looking for them, but really I wear the same one all the time. IT is starting to get a bit thin. I doesn't help that my #declutterdog ate the little ball of one of my hats last year.  Most of these are winter hats/caps

I might make one more. Maybe...

Painting Outfit-1
You have no idea how often I'm painting something around here. These aren't going anywhere unless it suddenly develops a huge hole in the butt.

So what do I need? Probably nothing. All of my clothes are different colors and I've been trying to get a cohesive wardrobe going on here. I wore a lot of purple, but it's not striking me now.  And as I get a bit older my style has changed a little bit.

I'm trying to figure out the holes in my wardrobe, but that will be the next installment after I decide what I don't need anymore.

16 December 2016

Sorbetto shirts.

I feel like I'm always late to the sewing party. I'm making some Sorbetto tops. The pattern is free from Colette, one of my favorite pattern companies. I love their classic style and lady like patterns. They actually help you learn so that you can sew more! What an awesome service to people who want to sew. If you get frustrated with it you might quit.

I'm making a regular Sorbetto in a pink flower print, but I'm adding sleeves to it.

I'm also working on a black linen version. I'm thinking of inverting the pleat or removing it all together so I can have a clean black tank as a layering piece. I might make one in white too without the pleat as I always need a nice comfy tank to wear. What better than a custom fitted one that you made yourself? It's not a show piece, but everything can't always be amazing. Also, I've found that people are just amazed if you wear anything that you didn't go to the store and make. When did that happen to our society? I Digress.

This is my first muslin. I didn't like the large opening that it gave for the armholes in the size I used. I ended up sizing down and doing a larger FBA than normal to get the sleeve opening comfortable. Every blog I read about the tops said that they thought they were too short so I added length to them (quite a lot actually!) There is a hack for making this into a dress as well, but I don't think it would look too great on my body shape.  More updates and pictures to come as I straighten out the fit and whip a few of these up.

 Download 'Sorbetto' here and make your own. I'd love to see your creations. There are so many people on the Sorbetto kick. Some have made changes to this basic pattern and made some amazingly beautiful things. Even if you make it as written it's a fun and easy pattern to make.

There is also a link to show you how to make your own bias tape!!

A zero waste sewing win!!

Happy Sewing!!

12 December 2016

Counting Clothing Challenge #1

I'm always reading different blogs. I do subscribe to a few, but then I get bored when they only talk about one topic. Which is why I'm always switching gears on my blog. I'm sure it makes a few people   crazy that I can't stay on topic. But, that's just the way my brain works. I can't concentrate on one thing for prolonged periods of time.

I've been really getting into organizing my closet and minimizing it more so that I only have what I need.
I'm going to execute this challenge and count up all of my clothing and try to figure out what I have and what holes I might need to fill. Or what I need to get rid of too.
I want to sew up a few new pieces, but I don't want to over clutter my closet again. It's a problem that I have trying to be a minimalistic seamstress. How do I know what to make?

I'm really hoping that I can figure out how to keep things under control all while adding some new favorites to my wardrobe. I know my winter capsule is really lacking in dressier things.

I'm going to follow this and this blog's example and make categories to add up what I have currently.

The categories I plan on using are these:


I can't think of any other categories, but I may add a few more if I feel I need them.

01 December 2016

Surviving winter in Minnesota

Since winter is coming, I decided to do a winter post to get us all ready. Maybe you need to change your mindset about winter. Or maybe you need some supplies to get your through it?

I've been in Minnesota two years now and although my first winter was a mild one, or so I'm told, I learned a few things to keep warm during those chilly winter months.

Here is my top ten tips. 
  1. I love wool socks and blankets. I need to get some more of them. A lot of people find them "scratchy" but I don't. If you do look for a wool blend instead. 
  2. Always wear socks, inside you an wear the socks with the rubber on the soles so you can have a little traction on linoleum, tile  or hardwood floors.
  3. Try to keep the heat at a constant temperature. I kept mine at about 68 most of the time. It helps the heater by not having to get the house up to a new temperature. 
  4. If you are chilly in your constant temperature house, put on a sweater or even a hat if you need it. Remember in the stories from last century, people wore stocking caps to bed? It holds in more of your heat. 
  5. Bake something yummy and leave the oven open after you finish and turn it off to let the warm air seep into the house. 
  6. Remember that the cold can dry you out just as much as the heat. You need to drink water or liquids. I like to make hot tea to get my liquids and have some honey. 
  7. If you have a pet, snuggle with them. It's amazing how much heat they can create. I trained my husky mix dog to sleep on my feet. That may not work for everyone, but it does for us. 
  8. If a dog laying on you doesn't appeal to you, and it doesn't to my DH, get a rubber water bottle and fill it with hot/boiling water and stick it in the foot area of your bed to warm it up. (be careful not to touch it with bare feet as it could burn you.) You can also knit/crochet/sew a cover for your water bottle to insulate the heat and so it doesn't burn sensitive feet. 
  9. Go outside and get some exercise. It will help your body to adjust to the changing season and you will feel better. 
  10. Wool Merino everything. This stuff keeps me toasty warm all winter long. A lot of people think that wool is itchy. This stuff isn't. Go to the store and touch it and you will see what I mean. It isn't thick and bulky under things so you don't look bigger than you are, a plus when you are wearing the long underwear versions. 

I love that Minnesota has four seasons. I can't wait to go through them all again. 
Each season has it's own beauty and faults, much like people. 

I love spring for the rebirth of the earth, yet the work cycle begins again. 
I love summer for the fresh fruits and warm sunshine, yet the sun can get overbearing and the mosquitos swarm all around. 
I love fall for the respite from the cool and the harvest time, yet colder weather brings an end to the fresh foods. 
I love winter for the quiet and serenity, yet it can be brutally cold in it's own way. 

I think if you learn to see the joy in every situation, life can be so much more enjoyable. 

Just a few thoughts from me today.