10 November 2014

The minimalist game

So I challenged my Mom to play the minimalist game with me for October. (You can find out what that is here.) We have both done really well. I'd like to share with you what has left my house  and my life. All while not letting too much creep into the house to take it's place. (super hard!) That is really important. Although, we did get gifted a camper so...we have a bit more stuff there. I did not count anything that I took to the camper as part of the game. It is supposed to leave your house.  I did not take pictures of each day as I went along. I probably should have. But I have it all written down here and I'm feeling very proud of myself. My house looks better and I feel lighter. As I got rid of some books I took the time to organize the bookshelves. As I looked through my craft supplies furiously looking for something to get rid of, I organized my craft room  a little more. And let me tell you going from a large room that was only my craft room to a much smaller room that I share with my DH for his 'office' makes it so I need to be more organized and have less stuff in my 'craft room.'  I left a box out by the stairs in the living room and when it got full I took it away. (I know the game says out by midnight, but that's just not possible for everyone and my Mom and I both agreed that this was silly when we both live out in the country. It's not feasible for us to run to town everyday.)

Have you ever tried something like this or done project 333? I'm thinking for November I might kick it up a notch and do this challenge. Want to join me? I think it will be fun. I know a lot of people did it for October, but I had already started this game with my Mom. We had fun doing it. Since she lives in South Carolina and I'm now in Minnesota we talked on the phone about it a lot. (Miss you Mom!) 

Day 1-I sold a book. 

Day 2-2 coffee cups no one uses (ever) 

Day 3- 2 more books and 1 more book sold. 

Day 4- 4 pictures/picture frames. 

Day 5- 5 shirts (from my boxed up clothing stash) 

Day 6-2 old jewery boxes, a pair of earrings (from my jr prom!), 2 weird hair things, a sign from my wedding, and a bath scrubby that I never used.

 Day 7- a round hair brush, 2 old phones, a hair clip, an orange necklace, a cufflinks set, and another old jewelry box. 

Day 8-The boxes our kindles came in (2), 2 spanish CDs from college, a book we are never going to read, some old curtain rings (not a complete set), a duplicate book (gasp!) and a weird book(I don't know why I bought it)

Day 9-5 magazines, 2 maps,  an envelope system, and engineering paper from DH's college days.

 Day 10- 4 old textbooks, 2 books, 3 crazy straws, and a sweater. I also went through a lot of old paperwork and got rid of a bunch of that too. Didn’t count it, but it felt good to do it.

 Day 11-an fancy old ornament box, 2 headbands, some old tongue ring things, a bandana, a pair of earrings, and a broken neckacle and bracelet (broke since HS!) a drum key,  a set of banjo pickers, and a old necklace add on. 

Day 12-2 necklace and earring sets, 3 audio books, a pair of earrings, a keychain, 4 curtains from our old house, and a broken binder. Frank went through papers today and got rid of a lot of old notes and tests from college. 

Day 13-9 old college textbooks and 4 magazines.

Day 14-6 old magazines, 3 binders, , does it count if I sent some professional books to work with hubby? A whole box went. (There were 13 of them.) They are out of the house-yet he still owns them. I’m not sure about it. 

Day 15- 1 crazy straw,6 shirts, 2 skirts, a torn up book, a scarf,  a Spanish dictionary, plastic bowl, note taking pad and a pair of cheap sunglasses. 

Day 16-7 plastic hangers from stores, a sheet magnifier, several pages of paper from boxes, 2 folders,  glass pie plate, and an aluminum small bread tin. 

Day 17-vaccuum from the camper (we’re installing wood), So much crap from the camper was tossed today! Also, I let go of feeling like I wasn’t good enough to do this re-do. It is what it is and it will be ours. 

Day 18-5 pillow shams,  old old dog poop collector, a necklace, a butterfly clip, and 10 articles of clothing. (today was easy!)

Day 19-1 christmas ornament, 4 hair clips, 7 adapters, 1 body poof,  2 product booklets for things we no longer have,2 lone earring, decorative bobby pin, and a curtain clip

Day 20-a pin, 2 pair of earrings, 2 braclets, a necklace I made in HS, an old brush I never use,  1 shirt, 1 vest 1 dress, a piece of fabric I’m never going to use, a shirt from our old church, at least 9 old brochures in my sewing room. (Today was hard for me. I started resisting the changes I’ve made. I was in so many rooms looking for something to leave! Then seeing my sewing room in a state of well-clutter, made me depressed. I’ll start in there again tomorrow!)

Day 21- A box with old patterns inside. It was all a set, but they were purchased individually. All in all at least 20 here.

Day 22-1 bra that broke (While wearing it, embarrassing!), a rug the puppy tore up, a seam ripper that is not ripping, and brochures and papers in the sewing room. Old bills, recycled papers, and more papers gone.

Day 23- 23 bubble blowers left over from the wedding.

Day 24-13 bubble blowers left over from the wedding, 2 teddy bears given to me by my ex. I sold 2 more books that left the house today. (I know that's only 17, but it was a tough day for me!) 

Day 25-Lots of old files and papers. Organized the craft room a little bit here. 

Day 26-Old files and papers.

Day 27-Too many old files and papers to count. A lot of really old tax documents.

Day 28-Emails deleted and unsubscribed so I would not get them again.

Day 29-empty folders from organization.

Day 30-15 old plugs, 2 old cell phone boxes, a lunch box, old credit/bank cards, a stack of old business cards, some yogurt containers I was saving, and various other things to round out the last of it for me. 

Day 31-Last day!! I tried to relax a little today because I had so much going out of my house. I put it all together and tried to organize it to go. 
I am trying to get it ready for the garage sale next year. 
I’ve never had a garage sale before so I’m interested in seeing what I can make of it. 

Have you ever undertaken a huge project like this? Would you consider it? If you have, I'd love to know how it went for you. 

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