I know it sounds harsh to say that these are practice rabbits, but they really are. I'm enjoying taking care of them and looking forward to the meals we will share together. If you are upset about eating animals or meat rabbits at all, please close this window. This is a farm, we eat animals that we raise here. Thank you for stopping by my page.
They have been here almost a month and are still adjusting to their new lives. I bred the only doe to the oldest buck. They had a litter 6 months ago and I have 2 bucks from that litter as well. I am hoping to get a doe from that and line breed them with the bucks. They are not REALLY meat rabbits, but they are meat and I got them for free. So, I'm practicing my handling and breeding techniques on them until I can get the silver foxes like I wanted. It's looking like the investment of getting the silver foxes is going to be pretty great anyways. So, I wanted to prove that this is something I really wanted to do before I spent that much money on it. It's looking like about $140 for 4 rabbits to get started.
The first two are the young bucks. The one on the left is black and pretty wild. He doesn't like to be picked up and is still skittish about even being petted. The one on the right is blue and likes to be pet, not particularly interested in being picked up, but will allow it occasionally. They have no names.
This is Cassie. The little girl named her and the older buck was already named. So, I didn't pick out these names at all. I don't think I would every name my rabbits these names. 
For me and Frank right now, just a pound of meat or 2 can make a difference in our grocery budget. We are hoping to save money with this enterprise and have a little fun as well.
Stay tuned.
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