I know that there is a lot here, but I haven't had time to blog about all that I've been doing lately. So this is a catch you up to speed post.
I have painted the living room and the wall that is shared by the dining room, the hall way and as soon as I get an extended pole for my roller I will have finished the entryway.(DONE!) I love the color it's like a soft buttery yellow. It's called 'Moon Dance' by Behr at Home Depot, in case you are interested.
This is our entry way. The door straight ahead is the front door, the one to the left is to the garage, then the stairs go down to the basement. I'm standing at the top of the living room stairs and the door to the right is a coat closet.
And if you look up from there you will see this large space here. (below) It's a little blurry, but it's all I have for now. 
I thought I had gotten rid of enough stuff when we were planning the move but, is that ever the case? I'm getting rid of some more things. Mostly things that were replaced by gifts from the wedding and some things that we have multiples of and do not have the space to contain. The only thing I don't like about this house is that there is no pantry. I NEED a pantry in a farm house. So, what is a country girl to do? Get a hutch of course. (And I'm using some of my basement space for my canning.) Up here in Minnesota they call them 'Curios', which is curious and explains why I could not find many online when I was looking. I really loved the Amish made furniture store in town, but sadly it is out of our price range. Good thing I stop at garage sales.
DH and I are going into town later to look at a truck. If we buy it you know that I will blog about it. (Before I fill it up with manure, and maybe after too.) I'm looking to get my fruit trees in the ground really soon so that they can set their roots and start producing for us. I need something out there. It's just weeds and a bunch of poplar saplings right now.
I'm really excited. I've been stuck at the house for about 4 days now. Our car's timing belt broke when DH was on the way to work and it has been in the shop. Thankfully, a few of the guys from work have offered to let him borrow their cars. So, we borrowed one guy's car until Monday and then anthers. Hopefully we can get this truck so we can give it back too.
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