Now I've done salsa. Our church is having a festival on the 6th of September and we're having a salsa booth. Basically, people are bringing their salsa and their recipes to the church and it will be put out to sample. If someone wants the recipe for one, they can buy it on a card for a quarter. All proceeds are going to the youth group mission trip. So, I feel like it is a good cause.
Here is my recipe for free. (Although if you want to send me money, I can pass it on to the church as well.)
I didn't have enough to make a whole batch, but I made what I could. I also (of course) added some spiciness to it with those thai peppers that I bought from the Hamoung lady at the farmer's market. They are at this point dried and ready to add some kick to my recipes. :)
Chunky Homemade Salsa by Dinie
7 lbs Tomatoes (I used cherry, but any juicy kind works)
3 Bell Peppers, Chopped
7-10 jalapeƱo peppers
4 Thai Peppers, Dried and powdered
2 cups Onion coarsely chopped(1 Medium Onion)
1/4 Cup Dried Parsley or 1/2 Cup Fresh Parsley (I suppose you could use cilantro, but I hate the stuff)
5 cloves or 5 TBSP minced garlic
1/2 Cup ACV
5 TBSP Lime Juice
1 TBSP Sugar/honey/stevia
1 TSP Salt
1 TSP Ground black pepper
Wash all produce. (Mine came from the garden so it was dirty, yet had no chemicals like in the store.)
If you are using large tomatoes they need to be peeled. I like the cherries because this step is not necessary. Chop coarsely measure 14 Cups and set to boiling in a large pot. (You can drain your tomatoes if you do not like it runny. I do, so I didn't)
Simmer for about 45 mins to an hour until thickened to desired consistency and stir frequently.
While tomatoes are boiling, chop peppers and onion. After the tomatoes come to a boil add all ingredients to pot. Return to a boil and remove from heat.
Ladle hot salsa into hot, clean jars with 1/2 headspace. Wipe rims and adjust lids. Process in a boiling water bath for 35 minutes. Remove and cool. Makes 4 pints. (or as I did, 1 quart and 2 pints.)
I made a jar of pickles while I waited on my salsa to boil again.
And in the morning I made (sorry no picture, it was gone before I even thought to take a picture.) fried green tomatoes on a bed of grits topped with my homemade salsa and an egg on the side. It was fantastic!
Tomorrow I plan on making my DH some sweet relish with what is left of the cucumbers. I'll let you know how that goes as well.
TA-TA for now.
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