Krunchee and I were excited to go on a road trip. He tried to sit there (on the console in the middle of the front seats-next to me) the whole way, but it's dangerous if I have to stop suddenly so I didn't let him. Bingley slept most of the way up.

On the way back it did start to rain, so I figured out how to put the small rabbits together in a doggie carrier I had brought along, and the other cage on the small end so it would fit when I lifted the seats in the back. People at the gas station looked at me funny as I was doing this. Since I was close to Madison I was nearing the city and city people don't tend to keep rabbits or expect anyone to care about their rabbits I guess. Anyways, we all packed in the truck. Thankfully, it's a crew cab so we all fit; Me, 2 dogs and 4 rabbits in a truck, sounds like the beginning of a joke.
When I got almost back to the house the traffic began to go at a crawl and I was already late getting supper done. My poor DH was all alone with no dinner. Now, he knows how to cook and does a really great pizza and I almost expected him to have a pizza going when I got there. But, he didn't and he waited for me to get there. *huh...*
He told me that he had KFC from lunch and I was bringing him my extra taco from my lunch. So...

Now to meet the new additions to my rabbitry.
We made it back. Really late, but we made it. When I went to feed my dutch rabbits I found a surprise. Granted I was expecting it this weekend, but it was EARLY.
*update* The babies are having a hard time making it. I have 3 left alive-2 blue and 1 black. So, the first kindle is not going too well. I am planning to sell one, I'm thinking the rest will be eaten. It's only 2 for the freezer.
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